Sunday, July 4, 2021

July 3rd, 2021 Felt like when we were young

This is not our normal 4th of July weekend, yes we are getting back to normal after COVID however.... We are also having the worst drought on.

2020 was the hottest driest year on record in Utah, since we started recording 126 years ago.

The point is......No FIREWORKS 🎆🙄😒😑
Trevor is gone to Birch Creek Service Ranch, Jace went to hang out with Derek, and Summer wanted to go to Mama's.......
This left me and Chris isn a strang position,
We decided to take advantage of this opertunity, loaded up the jeep and took off to the Mountains 
Isn't she HOT with her top off!!! Just a bikini on, out stretching her legs!
It never gets old, there is nothing like the smell of the pine, the sound of the water, and the feel of the cooler air as you crawl through these massive majestic mountains.
This doesn't look like much.... this is where we tipped into the side of the trail
AMAZINGLY, we magically ended up re entering the valley right at 10 pm to watch all the cities put on there firework shows. 
We ended the night with people watching and ice cream eating at Leatherbys.
we had an AMAZING date, it took us right back to our early days when Chris would get off work at 6, I would have the jeep packed and we would head up American Fork Canyon to camp, life was so easy back then.

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July 22nd, 2022 Bells Falls with Trev

It's so beautiful in the morning, before everything's starts moving, the air is so much cooler and it tastes different. ...