Thursday, November 18, 2010

October 3rd, 2010 Trevor's 1st Stitches

Trevor had been helping Jace unload the dishwasher, and grabbed a hold of a Ninja blade, it sliced his thumb right to the bone. I knew as soon as I saw it, he needed stitches, I couldn't decide whether I should put him in the front seat so I could hold pressure on it or in his car seat, I wrapped it up as good as I could, but before we got out of the driveway he had tore it off, and by the time we got to the hospital he was covered in blood along with his carseat.Poor Jace, he was so scared and worried about his bro... he kept saying "Mom I'm gonna cry"

Trevor fell asleep in the waiting room after they had wrapped it up so he couldn't see it.Trevor ended up needing 4 stitches and because it was only 4 they don't sedate, I had to hold him down while they numbed it, AWFUL!!!


Bonnie Bingham said...

Oh that cute little bugger......with a sore thumb...but he did do good...

Unknown said...

holy cow, i'm glad he's okay!

(This is Stacy, for some reason my comments might show up as "Tex", it was a college nickname)

brandie said...

Crap!! Scary! Poor guy! Poor you!

July 22nd, 2022 Bells Falls with Trev

It's so beautiful in the morning, before everything's starts moving, the air is so much cooler and it tastes different. ...