Tuesday, February 10, 2009

January 27th, 2009 Paizlee's Great Fall

Last night we had quite a scare, TJ came running up the stairs saying " I think we need to take Paizlee to the doctor" When I got down there, her eyes where fully dilated and her body was having convulsions. He had picked her up to move her away from the smoke, ( TJ was cooking and when he cooks there is always smoke) Paizlee is phobic of smoke, when they got near the smoke she wiggled out of his arms and landed on the tile floor, and then had a seizer. So we wrapped her up and rushed her to Cottonwood Animal Emergency, they knew we were coming so as soon as we got there, they rushed out with a gurney and took her back to asses her. I thought for sure we would not be bringing her home, I thought this would be our last night with her. But after the Doc reviewed all of the x rays, he was as shocked as we were. No broken back or legs, nothin'. She tore the ligaments that hold the legs together and bruised her colon. So they told us to keep her very medicated for the week and she should be ok. Jace saw Paizlee before we took her to the emergency room and was very worried. The next morning Jace kept making sure she was covered up and comfy.

1 comment:

Mrs. Schacht said...

That is so sad! I didnt even know! is she alright now?..(p.s....its ASSESS...not asses...asses is just like..."Hey look at those asses"...lol)

July 22nd, 2022 Bells Falls with Trev

It's so beautiful in the morning, before everything's starts moving, the air is so much cooler and it tastes different. ...